Privacy Policy

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The Global Trend Report Privacy Policy

The Global Trend Report takes individuals’ privacy very seriously. We are also aware of the potential for threats to your security and privacy. Please take a few moments to review the steps that The Global Trend Report takes to ensure your privacy and security while you are using our websites.

Our privacy policy outlines how we collect and handle your personal information. References to ‘GTR’, ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ refer to GTR and its related companies.

How and what personal information we collect

We collect your personal information (including your address, contact details, and credit card details) only when you place an order with us or when you contact us about your paid subscription or our other services. When you place an order, we will provide a secure (SSL, encrypted) connection and require you to submit only the information needed to complete and fulfil your order. This may include, but is not limited to, your name, credit card details, email address, postal address, and phone number. Only our authorised employees will have access to this information.

You can update your personal information by contacting us.

How we use cookies

Cookies are small files placed on your computer by a web page when you visit it. They can be used to store all sorts of useful information to make your next visit easier and more convenient, but some people are uncomfortable not knowing what information is in a cookie.

The GTR website uses cookies to compile statistics on the use of the various pages on our site and provide a unique user experience by tailoring which advertisements you see. From time to time, we may use data collected from cookies to customise products and services we may offer you. When we send you emails, we include a ‘web beacon’ to allow us to determine the number of people who open our emails. When you click on a link in an email, we may record this individual response to allow us to customise our offerings to you. Web beacons collect only limited information, such as a cookie identifier, time and date of a page being viewed, and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides (i.e. the URL).

Web beacons can be refused when delivered via email. If you do not wish to receive web beacons via email, you will need to disable HTML images or refuse HTML emails (choose to receive ‘text only’ emails) via your email software.

When we send you emails, we may also include tracking that identifies what marketing material you watch or read. This tracking makes you personally identifiable since we use your email address.

How we use your personal information

Your personal information may be used to:

  • verify your identity when we are speaking with you.
  • assist you to subscribe to our services and products.
  • administer and manage our services, including charging and billing.
  • research and develop our services; and
  • promote and market services and products to you (where we do so, we will always give you an opportunity to let us know if you do not wish to receive marketing and promotions from us).

If some or all of the personal information we require is not collected, we may be unable to efficiently provide you with the services you require.

Who can access your personal information

Only authorised employees of GTR have access to any information you provide. We may turn over any pertinent information to any legal or regulatory authority that has a demonstrable right and takes the proper steps to access it. We may also, if necessary, provide your personal information to our lawyers, accountants, auditors and other third parties (such as, but not limited to, IT providers) who provide services to us or act on our behalf, for the purposes of giving effect to the services you request from us, to improve support and provide a better, more relevant experience for you, or as necessary to conduct our business.

Where your personal information is disclosed, it is provided by secure, encrypted email to reputable third parties and we will ensure that the information is to be held, used, or disclosed consistent with the Privacy Principles.

If you inquire about one of your subscriptions, we may ask you to submit some additional information only to verify your identity. Remember, in this case we only ask you to confirm information you have already given us.

You have the right to contact us and ask what information we may hold about you. Before you can obtain access to any information about you that GTR holds, your identity will first need to be verified.

What if some of the information held is incorrect?

We endeavor to keep all information about you current. If any information we hold is incorrect, please contact us.

Consent to use and disclosure of your personal information

By subscribing to GTR service you consent to being sent news and offers related to your subscription, or that may suit your interests, by GTR, related companies and carefully selected organisations.

We may occasionally send you marketing emails. Our email marketing is permission-based. If you receive an email from us, it is because you are a subscriber or have otherwise consented to the terms of this Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time by post, by phone, or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email. We do not rent or sell email addresses to companies outside of GTR.

Personal information and data security

Your data is stored on our behalf on Agora Inc’s databases and servers located in the US, so it is necessary to disclose your personal information to Agora Inc for this purpose. GTR ensures all data collected is protected and secure against unauthorised access, alteration or deletion. Any data you submit to us through an online order form is transferred to us via a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protocol and is kept in databases that cannot be accessed from outside our firewall. Our firewall is a mechanism that prevents access to our servers by anyone outside of the company.

The GTR website and emails may contain links to third party websites. Should you choose to click these links please be aware that our privacy policy will no longer apply. Please read and understand the privacy policy of the third-party website before continuing further.

Google analytics

Where users have chosen to enable Google to associate their web and app browsing history with their Google account, and to use information from their Google account to personalised ads, Google will use data from its signed-in users together with their Google Analytics data to build audience lists for cross-device remarketing.

Google Analytics will collect Google-authenticated identifiers associated with users’ Google accounts and will temporarily join these identifiers to the Google Analytics data made available to GTR.

Updates to our privacy policy

GTR will review and update this privacy policy as needed. Please check back regularly for any updates.

Privacy concerns or complaints

If you have concerns or wish to make a complaint regarding our handling of your personal information, please contact us. We will promptly investigate your complaint and notify you of the outcome.

How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you can reach us here:

Global Trend Report,
270 Madison Avenue, Manhattan New York, NY 10010 USA


Our registered address is:
270 Madison Avenue, Manhattan New York, NY 10010 USA

Copyright 2022 Global Trend Reports All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced, copied or in reused any way without the written permission of The Global Trend Report.